Monday, January 25, 2010

One Picture from Date NIght

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Where did our first month go??

It is hard to believe it is our 4th week in business and that February is just about here! We are really enjoying our new place (except for the snow shoveling!), and I think the kids are too! However we all can't wait to be able to play outside more and without all of the required snow gear....hats, gloves, snow pants, coats, & boots for each child. It takes a good amount of time just to get everyone ready!!

Our first date night was a success, and we look forward to having even more children join us on Feb. 13th! In February we will focusing on the following themes: Under the Sea, Hearts/Valentines, and Zoo - which should make for some fun crafts and reading some good books!

We hope everyone is staying warm & enjoying our updates!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Date Nights!!!!!!!!

Sarah and I are excited to announce that we will be offering DATE NIGHTS one Saturday a month!

We will be open from 5pm until 10pm and will provide dinner and activities for children of all ages. Pjs and blankets are optional, but we can certainly get your child(ren) ready for bed. It is $25 for the first child and $15 dollars for each sibling. Our first and second date nights will be January 23rd and February 13th. Your child does not have to attend our child care center to come for date nights. Give us a call (515-450-5418) if you are interested!!

Our First Day!

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Beginnings

Sarah and I are very excited to announce that our new child care center is OPEN! We opened our doors as of January 4th and had wonderful families and kids that were there to help us start our first day! We still have preschool positions available for 2 to 5 year olds. Let us know if you are interested! More details, as well as center updates, will be posted soon!!