Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Being Green!

Last week we learned all about the Earth. The preschoolers now know that the Earth looks blue and green from space, is round, and has 6.66 billion people living on it! The older preschoolers also know what causes day and night and the seasons. It was a lot of fun to watch them pick-up on all the information!!

This week we are adding onto our Earth knowledge by talking about recycling and cleaning up the Earth. Just in time for Earth Day on the 22nd!! Today we decorated recycle boxes with pictures of paper products, cans, and plastic products that we can recycle this week (and hopefully many more)!

We Love the Park!!

The weather has been wonderful, and we have been able to walk to the park quite afew times the past week! It also helps that we have 2 double strollers now and the toddlers love to help us push them!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Too Cute!

We love our new Castle!!

The kids love playing outside but it is even more fun for them to go outside now that we have a castle to play in! Thanks Carl family for letting us borrow it!

Last week the children learned basic facts about Iowa.
State bird: Golden finch
State tree: Oak
State flower: Wild rose
State stone: Geode
State colors: Red, White, & Blue
Capital: Des Moines

This week we are broadening our perspective and talking about the Earth. We will have a foundation this week with Earth Week before Earth Day next week (when we will be learning about recycling)!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It is time again for our monthly DATE NIGHT! We will be open this Saturday from 5pm-10pm. It is only $25/child (with a discount for a sibling). We will hopefully be able to play outside after dinner since the weather has warmed up, but we will also have our usual activities inside as well (e.g., play dough, crafts) with a snack by 8pm. Let us know if you are interested!!

Also, we will be having an Usborne book party from 3pm-5pm this Saturday (before Date Night). Come browse the wonderful books that Usborne has to offer! I will also post the web address for online orders! The more books purchased, the more our child care center will benefit!

Please pass along both bits of information to anyone else who may be interested!! =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Warmer Weather, Seeds, & Walks

Last week was Garden Week! We learned about seeds and how they grow! We planted seeds in our "reused" pots. The preschoolers loved it! We also sprouted corn seeds.

With the nicer weather (minus the rain we have had lately), we have gone on many walks. The 2-year-olds are starting to get the hang of it! Look how cute they are!