Monday, March 21, 2011


Last week we covered the Rainbow!! Each day we focused on a different color and everyone (tried) to wear the color of the day! It was a lot of fun seeing the kids get excited about the colors, and we created our lunches to reflect the color of the day! According to our daily color, we also made a rainbow out of hand prints, blew-up balloons, and changed the color of our "telescopes". It was color overload! =)

Monday - RED
 Lunch: Goulash, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Milk

Tuesday - ORANGE
Lunch: Sloppy joes, Carrots, Peaches, Milk

Wednesday - YELLOW
 Lunch: Shells & Cheese, Corn, Bananas, Milk

Thursday - GREEN (St. Patrick's Day)
 Lunch: Green eggs & Ham, Bread, Green beans, Grapes, Milk

Friday - BLUE & PURPLE
Lunch: PB&J sandwich, Blueberries, Purple applesauce, Milk

It worked out that all of the preschoolers wore blue and the babies wore purple!
All of the babies were never pictured all together though.
(Go Kansas State!!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gotta Love Dr. Seuss!!

Sorry for not posting this earlier, but I wanted to share our cute hat pictures from Rhyming Week!!! The kids had fun learning about words that rhyme and finding them in books we read and songs that we sang. We focused on Cat in the Hat and celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd with treats!! We also adorned the children's pictures with their own hats! The kids still enjoy looking at their pictures up on the doors!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthdays!!

Happy (belated) Birthday to Izzy and Ian!!!
We enjoyed celebrating your joint birthday with you both!!

We had frosting filled cupcakes for Izzy...

and we had yummy cut-out pancakes and fruit kabobs for Ian!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quite the Marching Band

For our Opposites theme last week, we pulled out the instruments! We practiced playing loud and quiet, fast and slow, high and low, and right and left. After our opposites practice ended, they were eager to form a marching band. It is hard to get good pictures of their fast moving, fast playing band but here are a few!

Red and Blue make......


We experimented with mixing colors last week which the children find almost magical! It is fun to show them something new!