Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is a zoo!!

Snow, snow go away!!!
Is it spring yet? We all can NOT wait to get outside!! It has been very chilly out, and we have not been able to be outside at all. I can only hope that it gets (and stays) warm soon. We can only do so many "exercises" inside to get energy used up!

Lately it has been a zoo around here! We have been learning about so many animals that live in zoos and making so many animal crafts that we have plenty of animals to go around! We have covered bears (all kinds), tigers, lions (my kids can tell you if a lion is a boy or a girl!), elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippos, & sloths. We have read many books, but the kids also love watching the short video clips and looking at pictures of the animals on the National Geographic Kids website. It is just great! After a short clip is done, one of our kids always says "more animals please?"! Thankfully there are many animals on their website! When covering giraffes, we were lucky enough to have a large giraffe join us for the day! The kids loved to pet and hug it! I will add a picture or two soon. To finish out the week we will be talking about penguins, rhinos, koalas, & kangaroos.

Next week we look forward to celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday and having a week on rhyming! Oh the places we will go! =)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy (belated) Valentines!

As we rush through February, it is great to announce that all of our child spots are full (at least for now)!! We are very fortunate to have such great families!!

Last Friday we celebrated Valentine's Day the only proper way there is! We had streamers, balloons, and lots of red & pink treats! The preschoolers got to cut out heart-shaped cookies, bake them, decorate them, & eat them! The biggest hit was playing with balloons. They are a favorite of all of our children!

We also celebrated Valentine's Day with a Date Night on the 13th. We had fun playing with some of our regular children and some children that we don't get to see everyday anymore. Our next Date Nights will be on March 13th and April 17th so pass the word along!!

This week and next week we will be learning about animals in the zoo! Lots of fun crafts and adventures are ahead! This week we will explore the lives of bears, tigers, lions, zebras, and giraffes.

Monday, February 8, 2010

No More Snow Please!

The snow just keeps piling up around Ames! Sarah and I are very tired of waking up extra early to go shovel the drive, and I am sure parents are tired of having to walk through the snow to bring us their children! We can NOT wait for Spring!!

I wanted to remind everyone that our 2nd Date Night is this Saturday, Feb. 13th from 5pm - 10pm. You do not have to bring your kids to us already to have them attend! Just let us know that you would like them to come!

With the addition of 4 new children, we almost have all of our spots filled!! We also wanted to make more room in the play room for everyone to have a nice amount of space, so we took off the sliding doors to the huge closet and have a nice doll/dress-up area for the kids to play in. So far they LOVE it!

The kids had a great time learning about animals Under the Sea last week. Here is the mural that they made with all of their amimal creations. Now we are on to Valentine's Week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday!

A fun first day of February!

Happy February Everyone!

We happily celebrated two children's birthdays yesterday as they turned 2 years old!!! Any reason for cupcakes is a good one, but 2 reasons is even better! The preschools really enjoyed helping me make the cupcakes and being able to eat the end product.

This week's theme is Under the Sea which has everyone's interests covered. Today we will be examining sea shells and sand as well as reading about dolphins. We are also constructing an Under the Sea mural on the wall since last week's Farm mural was such a hit. I will have to post a picture of our mural when it is complete!